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- Sticking to Your Goals
Sticking to Your Goals
Only 8% Stick to New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of the year again...
With the turn of the New Year, we set our intentions and goals to improve our lives in every area and now how do we stick to it?
Also, why do so many people fail to stick to their New Year's Resolutions?
"92% of adults will not follow through on a resolution. It's not uncommon for people to lose the excitement they had in early January."
"43% of goal-setters have forgotten their resolution by February."
What interests me more though is what do the 8% of people who follow through with their goals do differently?
What is the secret to setting an intention/goal and following through with it?
There are 4 steps to help you follow through with the intentions you set for the New Year or any intentions or goals you set anytime for that matter.
Each of these steps when completed will take you closer to achieving your goal. When you implement these 4 steps, you'll give yourself the highest possibility of ensuring your goals will be achieved. Every step increases the odds in your favor.
1. Set and Write Down Your Goals and Visions (10% closer to achieving goal)
Set aside time to reflect and think about what you really want. Contemplate your life as you would like it to be, not as it is now. The act of writing your goals will allow you to get crystal clear about where you are and where you want to go.
There's usually a gap between where you are now and where you want to be. That's normal and okay. Writing helps you to see that gap and become aware of the actions you need to take to fill/shorten that gap in the most efficient and effective way.
This is what's called the adventure of life.
2. Consciously Choose and Commit to Realizing Your Goals (25% closer to achieving goal)
There is a difference between "interest" and "commitment" and the difference is the willingness to do whatever it takes.
When you are
you choose to do whatever it takes to show up consistently. The actions you have decided you need to take that will bring you closer to achieving your goals are no longer optional. They get prioritized and done!
No excuses :)
I want you to achieve all your goals and deepest heart's desires this year!
3. Tell Someone Else That You Will Do This - Publicly Share Your Goal with Others (65% closer to achieving goal)
There's a saying, "If you want it not, speak it not into existence" and if you want it, rave about it, write about it, sing it, shout it from the roof top, and it will surely come to pass.
Telling others, especially those who are supportive about your intentions, goals, dreams, and plans is a way of holding yourself accountable. It is a way of further solidifying your commitment.
It's also re-affirming to your subconscious mind that you are serious about following through and building excitement around what you desire and love - your dreams.
This is fun.
4. Set Accountability Partners and Regular Meetings to Review Your Progress (95% closer to achieving goal)
This is the stuff elite athletes and high level achievers do to stay on track. No you don't necessarily have to go hire a coach, although that could be very helpful, but even an informal accountability partner will do.
Someone who understands what you want to accomplish and is willing to challenge and cheer you on.
As human beings we thrive with encouragement and support and we can never have too much of it.
Set regular appointment with this person or perhaps it is a group of people (a mastermind) and share what's you're doing, how it is working, what challenges you're facing and how to move forward.
Feedback is the breakfast of champions!
We need feedback to improve and to iterate. This is a critical component of goal achievement. It is much easier to create progress when we get feedback on what we're doing well and what we need to improve on.
When you implement all of these steps, it is almost a guarantee that you will achieve your goals. You will be part of the 8% of people who lead magical lives.
None of these steps are complicated and when they are stacked on top of each other, they will help you to powerfully align with what it is you say you want.
Now, you have a plan and a way to ensure you follow through!
You got this!
I would love to be your accountability partner. You're more than welcome to reply to this email and share your intentions and goals with me and I am going to hold you accountable!
I don't mind being the thorn on your side...lol
I want to see you succeed and create a life you're excited to live.
You deserve that and so much more.
Until next time, we continue in earnest solidarity!
Warm Regards,
Neseret Bemient, BScN
Holistic Mental Health Advocate
PS: If you are ready to stop struggling and start living the life you want starting today, you can click on the link below and schedule
a 30 minute discovery/consultation session
...start inside
...take courage
...involve effort
...include mistakes
...build character
...are achievable
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~